A Unique Group of Heart Transplant Recipients
HeartLinks held its Annual AGM and Christmas get together on Thursday December 5th, 2024 in the Asper Building of St. Boniface Hospital. Our unique group hosted one of its most successful events to date. With a healthy gathering of more than 30 attending, we all enjoyed food and a festive atmosphere after closing our meeting. Certificates of appreciation for transplant year milestones were also presented. You can view event images in the AGM section below below.
With 2025 on the horizon, we hope to enjoy more in person gatherings. The HeartLinks board extends warm wishes to all our members and their families all the best this holiday season and a Happy, Healthy 2025! As of January 31, 2023, Manitoba's online organ and tissue donor registry www.signupforlife.ca registry holds the donation decisions of 64,618 Manitobans, while continuing to make organ and tissue donor awareness part of everyday conversation.
NOTDAW 2024 wrapped up on April 27th. The week was dedicated to shining a light on the power of donation and transplantation, and what better way to amp up the wattage then by shining the www.signupforlife.ca logo on the Manitoba Legislative Building?
The signupforlife.ca logo was shining bright throughout the week! A brilliant reminder to talk with your loved ones about giving a gift of life someday and registering your intent to be a donor using Manitoba’s online donor registry, www.signupforlife.ca During NOTDAW week, Health Sciences Centre announced they saw a record 83 Manitobans received a kidney transplant through the Adult Kidney Transplant Program at HSC last year, besting the previous high of 77 set in 2017. Additionally, a record number of Manitobans donated the gift of life to others in need through organ donation last year, with 30 donating organs posthumously. That is significantly more than the previous record of 22, set in 2018. The increased number of transplants was made possible by the HSC Transplant Wellness Centre, which opened in July 2020 and provides enhanced care for living kidney donors, pre-transplant and post-transplant patients and recipients. Organ and tissue donations saves lives. By registering your intent using Manitoba's online registry, information about your donation decision will be available and accessible should it ever be required. As of January 31, 2023, the www.signupforlife.ca registry holds the donation decisions of 64,618 Manitobans. How you can get involved in NOTDAW events and activities; follow social media sites like Transplant Manitoba on Facebook and Twitter and www.canadianbloodservices.ca to see how Manitoba's various organ donor agencies are promoting awareness.
HeartLinks Manitoba hosted its annual summer picnic on Saturday, June 8, 2024 at Kildonan Park. Our event, a smaller turnout than last year, was fabulous and a good time was had by all. Approximately 23 members and their loved ones feasted on hamburgers, hotdogs, salads, fruit and vegie platters, and let's not forget all the delicious deserts! Please see event pictures below.
The 2024 Canadian Transplant games wrapped up in Ottawa this past August. Our very own Mark Miles competed in the games, representing our HeartLinks community alongside several other athletes representing Manitoba. The games is a celebration of athletic achievement, determination and generosity that provides an opportunity to shine in their chosen sport. Manitoba earned an impressive 23 medals - 15 gold, seven silver and one bronze. Congratulations to all of the athletes! In 2022, The World Olympic Committee recognized The Canadian Transplant Games as part of their organization! This is a big and much deserved achievement for the Committee and all participating athletes!
April 7, 2024 marks the sixth annual Green Shirt Day. To see all the latest news visit their Facebook page: Green Shirt Day. The Winnipeg sign at the Forks and the Legislative building will be lit up green for a great picture opportunity to share on social media to spread the organ donor awareness word. Logan Boulet's parents Toby and Bernadine Boulet launched GREEN SHIRT DAY in 2019 in honor of the "Logan Boulet Effect" and organ donation awareness. The April 6, 2018 bus crash involving the Humboldt Broncos hockey team resulted in the loss of 16 lives, including Logan Boulet's. Logan was a registered organ donor prior to the crash and once news of this selfless act became known, Canadians responded and began registering across the country in a wave of generosity never seen before. More than 100,000 Canadians registered and it became known as the LoganBouletEffect. Having conversations about the gift of life is important. Logan had shared his decision to be a donor with his family and in honoring his wishes, six others received a second chance at life. By continuing the Logan Boulet Effect, have a conversation with your family about organ donation and register If it's important to you. It takes just two minutes and two pieces of ID by using www.signupforlife.ca #GreenShirtday #LoganBouletEffect #organdonation #Tellyourfamily #BeInspired #signupforlife.ca #beadonor #havethechat #shareyourwishes
June 15, 2024 marked Transplant Manitoba's annual spring planting of the Garden of Life. The garden is located in the English Garden near the Leo Mol Sculpture Garden in Assiniboine Park. HeartLink's president Alan Scramstad and his wife Allison joined the morning crew to help plant the beautiful annuals for another wonderful Manitoba flower season! If you find yourself in the park this summer, make sure to take a stroll through the beautiful garden!
Member Blair showcased his carving talents with this hollowed out watermelon filled with delicious fruit. Upon closer inspection, you will see hearts carved all the way around the melon. Beautiful!
In addition to our usual picnic fair, we offered some games for added enjoyment. Practicing your golf stroke at the putting area was popular with some of the guys!
Axe throwing and darts on the same board were another area of fun. The axe throwing was a definite hit! It certainly required a little practice to sharpen this skill (pun intended)!
The HeartLinks executive board chaired its third in person AGM and Christmas party, with its largest group since taking a three year hiatus due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Approximately 30 members and their family members attended our AGM, and enjoyed Pizza, salads and too many delicious dainties! All leftovers were taken to CR4 and 5th floor ICU nurses to enjoy!
HeartLinks President Alan Scramstad presenting Gloria Voth with her One year post transplant Certificate. Congratulations to Gloria on her special milestone.
HeartLinks President Alan Scramstad presenting Karl Schablegger with his One year post transplant Certificate. Congratulations to Karl on his special milestone.
HeartLinks President Alan Scramstad presenting Boguslaw Yacholkoloski with his Ten year post transplant Certificate. Congratulations on your special milestone.
HeartLinks Manitoba President Alan Scramstad presenting Nathan DeGagne with his 10 year post transplant Certificate. Congratulations on your special milestone.
HeartLinks Vice President Barb Kolomi presenting Alan Scramstad with his 15 year post transplant Certificate. Congratulations on your special milestone.
The HeartLinks executive board chaired its second in person AGM since taking a three year hiatus due to COVID-19
HeartLinks President Alan Scramstad presenting Michael Helewa his 10 year post transplant certificate. Congratulations to Michael on his special milestone
HeartLinks President Alan Scramstad presenting Ron Shepertycki his 15 year post transplant certificate. Congratulation to Ron on his special milestone.
Shari Barker introduced Dr. A. Didi, the Heart Clinic's new physician who joined the team this Fall of 2023. Welcome Dr. Didi!
This year we enjoyed a delicious assortment of pizzas, lasagna, caesar salad and greek salad from Santa Lucia
HeartLinks members all brought an assortment of festive sweets and treats!
Our picnic turnout of 30 people happened on a day with the temperature reaching 33 celcius and 38 with the humidex!
After a three year absence, those BBQ'd hamburgers and hotdogs sure tasted good!
Members and their families enjoyed delicious hamburgers and hotdogs, potato salads, various colorful bean salads, vegie trays, fruit trays and of course plenty of deserts for everyone!
Sweet treat choices included rhubarb crisp, peacan and butter tarts, cookies and so much more!
After a three year pause on in person gatherings, members old and new got to catch up with each other, or get to know one another and their stories.
Many out of town members traveled into Winnipeg to celebrate the annual picnic despite the hot, humid temperatures. HeartLinks members are a hearty bunch!
Dr. Schaffer introducing the Heart Failure and Transplant Clinic's newest Cardiologist, Dr. Sidhu.
Heartlinks Vice President Barb Kolomi presenting Alan Scramstad with his certificate for 10 years post transplant. Congratulations to Alan on his special milestone!
Heartlinks President Alan Scramstad presenting member Baljit Singh with his certificate for 15 years post transplant. Congratulations to Baljit on his special milestone!
Alan Scramstad presenting member Dave Proven with his certificate for 10 years post transplant. Congratulations to Dave on his special milestone!
Alan Scramstad presenting member Margaret Stuart with her certificate for 5 years post transplant. Congratulations to Margaret on her special milestone!
Alan Scramstad presenting member Daswell McLeod with his certificate for 5 years post transplant. Congratulations Daswell!
The 2020 Canadian Transplant games will be proudly held in Winnipeg. The T-shirt with the logo design was shown off at our Christmas party. This image shows the front of the shirt.
The logo showing the Manitoba Buffalo on the back of the T-shirt.
The 10th Annual 2020 Canadian Transplant Games banner paid a visit to the AGM and get together. It is a stunning banner!
It's not a party without cake!
Heartlinks wrapped up its annual AGM and Christmas get together with a fantastic group of 57 attending! Our group is a unique blend of transplant recipients, LVAD's and those waiting for transplant. A great time was had by all. Until next year!
From the Heartlinks executive board to all its members, we wish you Season's Greetings and a happy healthy New Year!